Time line - what is going on

16.05.2024: In the meantime

Dear readers and follower of the Anxometer-Study, 

The next step of my study was to learn even deeper how to use MaxQDA (the software with which I made the transcriptions and now the analyses) and also to learn about the method I am now using. The method is called 'Focused Interview Analyses' and it is a method of the qualitative social research. Now I have gathered all knowledge I need and am now in the process of working with the data. 

08.03.2023: Never ending transcription?

My dear readers, it's been a while since I wrote something. I was lost in transcription. 

But finally I can see an end of this step of the procedure. By the end of the month I will be done with the transcription of all interviews. This is a remarkable success for me. :-)

07.09.2022: Back to work

Now the holidays are over and I am back to work. For now I am learning to work with MAXQDA, which is the software I am going to use to transcribe and analyses our conversations. It is a completely new thing for me and I enjoy it very much. Honestly I have no comparison, but the software anyway offers plenty of ways to encode, organize and categorize the collected data. I am very looking forward to play a little bit with it. 

18.07.2022: Thank you so much for your participation!

Now that we have all went through the second round of interviews, I can reveal some "secrets". You were divided in two major groups. One group got to read a text with a negative content and to the other group was presented a neutral text. This and also the choice whether you were interviewed first in your mother tongue or your learning language was randomized. 

The negative text was supposed to prime you in a negative way and the neutral one should promote a neutral and very little emotional mood.

The association part was also meant to get closer to your current mood without explicitly asking how you felt. 

So thank you very much to each of you for helping me!

For now I am going to enjoy the summer holidays with my children and then in September I will restart with my work and begin with the transcription of our conversations. 

11.07.2022: The second round

I am very excited to meet all of the participants again for the second round of interviews this week. :-)

20.06.2022: This is the week! 

I am very excited and also a little nervous. This week the first interviews will take place. 

14.06.22: Here you can trace the progress of my work.

I will do my best to keep you up to date. Right now I am practicing for the interviews next week. I am very looking forward to them.